Business Administration (English language)


The Master program in Business Administration provides a comprehensive picture of the international business environment while, at the same time, drilling down into specific areas of core relevance.

The Master consists of several short courses which focus mainly on economics, business economics, international relations and international law, providing in-depth understanding of topics such as market dynamics, financial and development finance, investment evaluation, business consulting in public policy and the organization of venture capital funds.
The program aims at meeting the market needs of companies which want to offer a fast-growing career to selected employees as well as the requirements of professionals interested in personal growth or professional development in service companies and financial firms.


The Master program allows participants to build up new competencies, to improve problem-solving abilities, to acquire knowledge of target market areas and to perfect leadership, creativity and communication skills.


Module 1 – International institutions and the challenges of financial stability
International Institutional Governance from a Non-Euro Country Perspective
Economy of International Financial Institutions
European Banking Integration
Banking Supervision in the SSM
US Market Regulatory Schemes – An Inner Perspective

Module 2 – Foreign investments and growth: an evolving path
Investing in Innovation: the case of VC Investing
Money & Payment Systems in International Commercial Law
How Multinational Corporations Can Thrive in the New World Order
Cost controls in innovative pharmaceutical therapies: the Managed Entry Agreements

Module 3 – Communication, privacy, environment in the digital era
The Three Main Crisis in the Digital Ecosystem: Truth, Privacy and Free Speech
The Role of Marketing and Communications for International Organizations
Cases of Financial Institutions Restructuring
Climate Change – Financial and Business Risks
Monetary Economics

Module 4 – Organization and new challenges
Public Policy Consulting
East-West Digital Virtual Synchronization of Global Reach Power
Innovation Ecosystem, Policy, and the Emerging Finance

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