The Master’s Program in Banking and Finance offers a comprehensive understanding of the global business environment, while delving into specialized areas of critical importance.
This program is structured into several short courses focusing on economics, business economics, international relations, and international law. It provides an in-depth exploration of topics such as market dynamics, financial and development finance, investment evaluation, public policy consulting, and the organization of venture capital funds.
Designed to meet market demands, the program caters to companies seeking to fast-track the careers of their top employees, as well as professionals pursuing personal growth or career advancement within service companies and financial institutions.
The program enables participants to:
Module 1 – International Institutions and Financial Stability
Module 2 – Foreign Investments and Growth: An Evolving Landscape
Module 3 – Communication, Privacy, and the Digital Era
Module 4 – Organizational Challenges and Innovation
Internship and Project Work
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in internships, working on projects under the guidance of academic or industry tutors. These practical experiences will culminate in a project work that must be submitted during the final examination to earn the Master’s diploma.
Assessment Criteria
Each course includes self-assessment tests, which are strongly recommended as preparation for the final examination. The final test will be evaluated by a commission in accordance with Italian DM 270/2004 – Article 11, Clause 7, Letter E.
(Second-cycle degree, a five-year tuition degree, laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale, a four-year degree under the previous system, or an equivalent university qualification obtained abroad).
A certified copy of the foreign degree must be provided, along with a certified translation into Italian. (The translation into Italian is not required if the original document is issued in English, French, or Spanish).
Iscriversi ad un Corso è semplicissimo, ed è possibile farlo in qualunque periodo dell’anno, e inizia all’atto dell’immatricolazione.
È possibile ottenere il riconoscimento dei Crediti Formativi Universitari e l’abbreviazione del percorso valorizzando la carriera accademica pregressa, i percorsi formativi svolti e le attività professionali certificabili ai fini dell’immatricolazione ad un Corso di Laurea o Laurea Magistrale, La prevalutazione è personalizzata, gratuita e non impegnativa.
È possibile pagare la retta in comode rate mensili senza costi aggiuntivi, o in alternativa 2/4/6 rate annue.
Sono disponibili convenzioni e agevolazioni per iscriversi ai corsi di laurea, e vengono applicate al momento dell’immatricolazione. Richiedi informazioni alla segreteria studenti.
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